State of the Raid

Tying Up Loose Ends: Community & the Future of Work in Web3

Published By benedictvs & Xandra Dozet | May 19 2023

The world of Web3 has opened up numerous opportunities for people to find a community that shares their values and allows them to connect and collaborate toward common missions. But how do we collaborate when we barely know our fellow contributors or have never seen their faces? And how do we onboard more people with diverse backgrounds so we can develop a resilient ecosystem and bring it into the mainstream? Web3 is developing solutions for these problems and creates ways for people to build real value within global communities. While it is becoming more effective for these communities to coordinate, collaborate and empower work, many of these solutions are still far from offering frictionless user experiences.

One reason is the lacking integration on a data management level, where recursion to the trusted ledger is not an option. Gas costs have increased significantly over the past five years, moreover, most data should not even be on-chain. Additionally, some of the platforms offering solutions are just too complicated, especially for those not yet evangelized in Web3. Although decentralized web-based solutions are built with free and open-source software for achieving interoperability, most products just added a blockchain to their siloed databases for offering Sign-in with Ethereum as an additional authentication method. It's important we find solutions to make it easier and more effective for these communities get work done while also developing relationships with one another and building trust.

How to know who you are working with

As professionals in web3, the lack of end-to-end business suites that tie EVM-compliant addresses to legacy solutions like email or messaging apps, even simple problems, such as business cards, or controlling who has access to community content, become obstacles that are not easily overcome. When looking to onboard people to this space, it is important to offer the benefits of Web3 infrastructure without being bogged down by the complexity of the tools and the jargon that comes along with them. We are looking to bring value to communities that are Web3-native as well as those that are Web3-curious.

Once two parties arrive at a contractual agreement, or a community has onboarded the majority of members and they finally get to work, coordination and collaboration problems have to be solved. On one hand, in a pseudonymous environment accountability of individual contributors can stay behind expectations. On the other, contributors face difficulties safeguarding their work's attribution. These issues result in creative solutions, like naming a Google Mail address after your ENS domain, providing your deliverables exclusively on siloed Web2 solutions only you control, or finding a platform that allows tasks to be assigned and member contributions to be tracked.

Bringing Accountability and Attribution together

At Raid Guild we know, however, these are just many symptoms of one underlying problem. As one of the oldest service DAOs, we have had time to grow and amass a large amount of data on projects and contributions. We also had a fair share of contributors overcommitting to tasks, only to then choose the one with the highest reward. For this reason, we built Rite of Moloch where contributors submit a bond to reassure delivery. While the application solves the problem of accountability, we turned to CharmVerse for solving attribution.

CharmVerse is the solution for token communities to build relationships, work together and vote. It is a platform that offers communities a space to host, access, and share knowledge with the goal to coordinate and empower work. CharmVerse aggregates identifiers by introducing a business card-type contributor profile, through their Member Directory, which is automatically built out as members join the space. Profile properties and permissions can be customized and members can be searched by role, name, skills, et cetera, making the Member Directory an effective feature for members to better familiarize themselves with their community. Furthermore, their Bounties feature assures proper attribution. Any task can be turned into a bounty and a bounty can be assigned to any task. Bounties are an excellent way for members to take ownership of tasks within the community. While the Member Directory and Bounties are the features Raid Guild is primarily using at the moment, CharmVerse is an operations platform built to integrate with your work in Web3.

With the use of token gating, a community can build a permissionless space in which to work. Different roles can be created and tied to particular token holding(s) that will determine the level of access a specific role has within the space.

Token-gating can even be applied to the Forum that exists within each CharmVerse space, giving the community a place to have structured discussions without the need for an additional platform.

The Proposal Builder is yet another feature focused on facilitating coordination and collaboration within Web3 communities. This tool allows members to build consistent, peer-reviewed proposals. The Proposal Builder provides a guided experience through various stages of a community proposal and role-based access controls who can create, edit, and review proposals. The community is also given the ability to comment and suggest edits within a proposal draft, giving members a voice in the proposal creation process, and in turn, making them more engaged in the vote that follows.

From onboarding to voting, CharmVerse is a tool to engage your community and get work done.

Although the tooling we are building and the infrastructure that is provided by companies and DAOs alike, is important, we ought to avoid making Web3 a bureaucratic nightmare for users and contributors. Sometimes it is tiring to constantly switch between different user experiences, signing transactions, and logging in. If all user journeys in Web3 only consisted of authenticating oneself, we certainly would not get anything done at all. For this reason, it is vital to create backchannels where users and organizations give feedback and can suggest improvements. Raid Guild has always been actively reaching out to potential partners and forged long-term relationships with key stakeholders in Web3. Our collaboration with CharmVerse on matters like their product roadmap or our newest tool, Rite of Moloch, is just the consequential next step.

Long-lived Partnerships for Durable Infrastructure

Without knowing it, CharmVerse and Raid Guild tackled the problem of solving coordination in pseudonymous and distributed environments from two sides. Now, it is time to break through and create a solution that covers accountability and attribution from end to end. By integrating Rite of Moloch with CharmVerse, the platform could increase interoperability and add value for the communities they host. CharmVerse continues to build out a platform to facilitate collaboration and coordination while empowering work within web3 communities. Meanwhile, Raid Guild will become one step closer to providing its ecosystem of contributors with durable and usable open-source infrastructure.

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